Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Green Collar Jobs and How You Can Fit In

The world is constantly changing before our eyes. Technology has created advancements that we could never have imagined 20 years ago. But with many of the advancements have come negative changes to our environment like pollution and global warming that affect the way we live our lives.
As a result, these changes have inspired the creation of jobs meant to contribute to and aid our environment rather than destroy it. These jobs are called "green collar jobs." If you are interested in learning more about this industry, take a look at how it affects you and how you can fit in.
What are Green Collar Jobs?
Green collar jobs are typically defined along the lines of blue collar jobs. However, these jobs were created by companies that want to help improve the environment. You can see minor changes in the everyday activities of some businesses. For instance, some grocery chains have stopped passing out plastic bags for free and have began charging customers with the proceeds benefiting the environment. Because so much more effort is being placed on "going green" there are many more jobs coming available to help create zero waste, conserve water, develop residential solar energy and more.
What Types of Jobs are Available?
Some specific job types that you might be able to get into that very directly mean to enhance the environment include bike delivery services, gas station jobs related to biodiesel, green waste composting, landscaping, construction material and debris hauling and reuse.
A few others include:
- Hazardous material clean-up
- Developments for non-toxic household cleaning products
- Expansion of open spaces such as parks, recycling, solar installation
- Printing with non-toxic inks and dyes
- Maintenance and repair for public transit
- Tree cutting and pruning
- Water efficiency and conservation
- Weatherization for homes
- Energy conservation
Many businesses are hopping on the "go green" bandwagon. So this is a good time to begin searching for employment in this area.
Can I Get Involved?
One of the perks of green collar jobs is that many of them offer on-the-job training. So if you're looking for an environmentally-responsible career change, or post-retirement job that can make you feel good about what you're doing, many green collar jobs can be easily moved into. Additionally, if you want a mid-to senior-level position, those jobs are available too.
The industry is growing so rapidly that in fact it is predicted that jobs in the energy-efficient industries could grow from the currently estimated 8 million available to as many as 40 million by 2030. If you are interested in finding out where you fit in, you can visit a career consultant who can help you find your way based on your specific skills. You can, for instance, use your human resources background to become a human resources manager at a solar energy company. As the industry grows, the opportunities will be endless.
If your passion falls in line with caring for the environment then green collar work may be right for you. So take your time, explore what's out there, and seek counseling if necessary. Then enjoy getting paid to make a difference in our world.

Make Money Green

How to Make Money Green is not hard. Apart from our money already being green the way to make money green is by being environmentally aware. There are many opportunities to both save money and make money while being environmentally concerned.
The bi-product of making money being green is the benefit it creates for the environment. For example saving money on fuel cost by using the latest hybrid and completely water driven cars reduces the impact on the ozone. Thus you can not only drive your car further on cleaner safer fuel while you save money but you can also help reduce global warming. Other ways to save and make money being green include recycling waste at home - and in factories; and employing eco-friendly and renewable energy technology. Did you know that by installing solar panels in you home for your household electricity you can sell the surplus electricity to electricity companies? So you can switch to safer cleaner power sources and help conserve Earth's non-renewable resources
There are many opportunities today to establish a business either on or off line marketing bio-degradable and re-usable products. In addition many people now buy organic food - to avoid the harmful effects caused by chemicals used as fertilizers and in preservatives. There is a huge and expanding market for all of the above types of products today. Many years ago there was a cult called "hippies" who became organic farmers and greenies. These days while most of the hippies have matured and blend in with the rest of our communities the spirit of the hippies survives. Those same hippies in fact today are baby boomers - who have normal jobs or are in retirement with significant incomes to spend. Their purchasing habits have set trends towards the move to universal concern for the environment. In fact the ex-pot smoking president of the USA is an avid environmentalist. (While he is definitely an ex-president I am not sure if he is ex-pot smoking). Unfortunately the "free love" philosophy of the hippies was what got him removed from office.
Nonetheless Bill Clinton is a respected advocate for the environment. Even his main electoral adversary has been beating the drum on "Global Warming". In fact people from all sides of politics have now embraced a concern for the environment and world leaders have invoked sanctions, treaties, and protocols on various aspects of the earth's environment - such as whaling, carbon emission, global warming, rainforests, natural habitats, environmental and cultural heritage. The world has universally become far more concerned about Environment Earth than ever before. In the early 1970s the Club of Rome was seen as an eccentric group of academics - whom the world largely ignored. However today no one is able to ignore our imperiled planet, Environment concern is high on the political agenda and also in the minds of manufacturers and consumers.
There are many opportunists now on the internet marketing environmental solutions and household products that are less harmful to our environment. Some of the best performing stock market investments today are "green" companies. It is indisputable that the "Green Wave" has hit planet Earth and in the affluent western societies many opportunities abound for entrepreneurs to run viable businesses. As the internet has developed to a stage where the average person can operate an online home business and millions of people go to the internet supermarket instead of setting foot outdoors the "Green Revolution" can be marketed readily and easily to a burgeoning demand. To be successful marketing environmentally responsible products on the internet you do not need a tremendous wealth of knowledge about environmental issues. Principally all you need do is align yourself with an environmentally aware group who can assist you in showing the way and providing marketing systems and support for the delivery of environmental products.

Greener Environment

Everybody is talking about going green but are you actually doing it? Did you know that you don't have to rebuild your house in order to have a green home? If you can afford it, rebuilding is certainly one way to go green, but there are smaller steps you can take to have a healthier, green home that will help to save the environment.
There was a time when we just threw out the trash. You can go green by setting up a simple recycling center in your home. All it takes are some dedicated trash cans and some space in the garage or just outside the back door, or if you have space, in the cabinets under the kitchen counter. Things that can be recycled are cans, plastic bottles, glass jars, cardboard food boxes, and newspapers. You can compost food waste and make a wonderful fertilizer for the garden, and find ways to reuse some of the things that you used to throw away.
Get rid of those old iridescent light bulbs and replace them with energy saving fluorescent. Fluorescent bulbs last longer and offer a more natural light source. During the day, turn off the lights and open some windows for light and fresh air.
Air Fresheners
Those aerosol air freshener sprays and allergy inducing smelly things we put in the house are a thing of the past. Go green in the most literal of ways by replacing them with green plants. Certain plants like English Ivy, Bamboo Palm, and Gerbera Daisy will help to clean the air in your home. Open windows and let the fresh air in for a clean smell, and if you enjoy the scents of air fresheners try some natural oils.
Cleaning Products
Stop using toxic chemicals to clean your house. Many people are going green by making their own cleaning products from vinegar and orange oils. Others who don't have as much time can purchase green cleaning products from the store shelves.
Window Coverings
Plastic or vinyl window coverings are out. Natural, heat reflecting window coverings are green, as are shades made of natural materials like bamboo, hemp and cellulose.
That old shag, carpet on the floors is full of toxins and catches every bit of dirt and mold in the house. They can actually be unhealthy. Get rid of the carpets and replace them with natural wood flooring and some natural hemp throw rugs.
Good for a green environment, and great for a greener wallet, replace your showerheads with high efficiency, water saver showerheads. Replace your toilets with low-flow toilets. You'll help to save our water supplies while saving on your water bill.
When it's time to replace your appliances, think green by looking for Energy Star energy and water saving appliances that are used in green building today.
Water Heaters
You may not realize it but your old water heater is probably poorly insulated and far away from where you actually use the hot water (basement?). Go green with a new solar water heater that is set up closer to where it will be used to save the energy of heating and transporting your hot water.
Once you have a green home you may not want to leave it, but unfortunately you will have to at some point. When it's time for a new car, go green by purchasing a gas saving hybrid. Other green transportation ideas include public transportation,carpooling, bicycling, and walking.

Green Goods For a Green Environment

The nature is a gift given to the mankind. This nature is not safe if it has excessive amount of inorganic and non biodegradable items. Polythene and plastic are two major non biodegradable items causing great damage to the ecosystem. Many environmentalists believe that ecosystem should be protected properly to ensure the safety to the life on the earth. Bio degradation is a process in which the organic substances are broken down by the enzymes which are produced by living organisms. This term is mainly used in areas of waste management, ecology and environmental remediation.
The best thing you can do to safe guard the ecosystem is: Prevent usage of non bio degradable items. The change should start from your home. If you start using these natural green items, then surely the world around you turns green within less time. Some of the common green items which should be used for protecting environment are: leaf bags, green cups, paper bags, cotton hats etc. There are many varieties of organic hats in the market.
Hemp hat is one such green item which is made of hemp linen fabric. This hat is mainly used by horse riders. These hats are made of breathable and durable organic hemp canvas. These hats have less weight and can be easily paced on your head. As the canvas used in hat design is natural it does not form any sweat. Special types of these hats are used for babies. These organic hats are made of wool and cotton. Organic cotton hats are natural and do not induce any side affects to babies.
Biodegradable bags are special green items available in the market. These items can be used for carrying things or for throwing garbage. Most of the garbage bags are made of special HMHDPE & LDPE material. These bio degradable bags are durable and can stay fresh for long time. These bio degradable bags are leak proof. Some of the special features of these garbage bags are they are photo and oxo degradable, the degradation period of these bags is around one year. Some of the common colors in which these bags are available are green, blue black and yellow. Most of the companies sell these bags for small amounts.
Today, plastic bags are also being made by recycled material. Flat plastic bags are special polythene bags which are made from bike inner tubes. These bags can be used for all purposes.

Garden Furniture Completes Green Environment

When we talk about garden furniture, we can start thinking about green environment. What a wonderful time if we can use a set of garden furniture in the yard with beautiful arrangements of grass, flowers, several trees, and some other small plants. We can enjoy the fresh air while we are sitting on the sofa with a special design made for the furniture. It can be said that people can realize to make their home green after they feel themselves comfortable with nice furniture in the garden.
Creative Design of Garden Furniture
The special furniture used for the garden can have various designs. Since the inspiration comes from the variety of plants, the creativity can be shown in the shape of this furniture. There are also many kinds of material available for this kind of furniture. The customers can choose according to their garden designs.
How large the garden area is should become the important thing to decide the suitable furniture. The customer can discuss with the furniture designer to get the best choice. Sometimes the furniture manufacturer provides special designs ordered from the customers.
The price of the furniture mostly depends on the design and the material. The customers can get the explanation of the furniture designs and materials from the manufacturer. The complicated designs will make the furniture expensive. The difficulties of getting the material can become the reason why some furniture products have higher price than the other ones.
The Maintenance of Garden Furniture
Some people want to live with a simple way. They prefer having some products with easy steps for the maintenance. The garden furniture has been designed generally for the outside of the house. The designer and manufacturer have predicted the resistance of the furniture material to meet the weather condition. There is still a list of direction that the customers should consider to maintain their furniture.
Whatever the purpose of using garden furniture, it can become additional facility to keep our environment green. People can have their happy time sitting on the sofa in the garden. And this will directly trigger the people to plant something useful around their houses.